Voice-Over at Zone Recording
Voices are everywhere these days, and many people are making money and having fun doing voice-over work.
Radio and TV commercials have always employed voice-actors, but now we have podcasts, audiobooks, web videos, games, online courses, promos, corporate work, quarterly earnings calls, and as they say, much much more!
We teach Voice-over workshops and private lessons and can produce your VO demo, an essential element of a VO career. If you are working in this field you can even do your auditions here and we will send them to your agent.
We also have a remote phone patch, so a producer in another location can listen to the session and give the talent direction in their headphones. Other connection options include FaceTime, Google Meet, ISDN, Source-Connect, Phone Patch, Skype and Zoom.
Blair has a wall of awards for his Voice-over work.
In fact, he is the narrator of a number of popular audiobooks and many hundreds of commercials and videos.
He is the voice of Panic! The Story of Modern Financial Insanity by Michael Lewis, The End of Overeating, Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite, by David A. Kessler MD, The Enzyme Factor by: Hiromi Shinya MD, and Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive by Noah J. Goldstein.
Blair Hardman, owner of Zone Recording Studio, is a Voice123.com, and Voices.com voice actor.
Questions? Contact us today and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have on voice-over work.

VO Demo

Narration Demo

Voice Over Demo