10 Music & Audio New Year’s Resolutions

by | Jan 18, 2024

Music & Audio New Year’s Resolutions

1. You wrote some good songs last year, get them down before you forget them.  At least make a ruff demo.

2. Pick your songs that mean the most to you and do a legacy project. Make some really good recordings that will hold up for generations.

3. Transfer that reel to reel or audio cassette of Grandma, the kids, your senior recital, or other precious memories to digital. You’ve put it off for years, now is the time.

4. If you are a home recordist, send me your tracks and I will mix and master them. I can correct the pitch, and timing and make it radio ready.

5. Take a bass lesson. I can show you techniques like slapping, navigating the circle of fifths and syncing with the kick drum.

6. Start a podcast. Simple steps to record and edit yourself, and upload it to the internet.

7. Record your audio book. If you’re an author, why not do an audio book and get it on Audible.

8. How about an album of you singing Karaoke? Pick the songs, we’ll get the backing tracks, and you get a perfect gift for yourself or a loved one.

9. Learn the basics of voice overs. We’ll determine your core voice, record various examples and make a VO demo with music and sfx.

10. You tell me. Whatever would help you realize your audio/musical goals for 2024, Zone Recording can do it! Contact Blair Today.